Conferences  and events : 7 reasons you need to be there

Conferences and events : 7 reasons you need to be there

There are plenty of reasons to avoid professional events and conferences. Quite honestly, they can be time-consuming, expensive and tiring. They take you away from the projects you’re working on. The number of people can be overwhelming. We know all the reasons why you wouldn’t go.

But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go. Events and conferences pack unexpected potential, bringing value and benefits that far outweigh the costs of money and time. Here are seven reasons why you need to rethink conferences and events for maximum success in business:

1. See and Be Seen

You know the phrase, “Out of sight, out of mind.” Being visible at the conference, and having an active presence there (no hiding in your hotel room) puts you in sight and in mind and that leads to business.

2. The People That You Meet

Conferences bring people together from all over the country or the world — often key industry leaders and people you would otherwise never have a chance to meet, let alone take time to speak to. You never know who you’re going to meet at the buffet table or in the elevator, and these “chance” meetings and introductions can lead to vital new business connections.

3. Build Your Credibility

Being at the conference not only establishes visibility, it establishes credibility. When you’re at the event, meeting and interacting with others, you’re more than a photo on a website or a name on a business card. You become a real person with a real mission, your presence demonstrates authenticity and those who connect with you and your mission will want to do business with you.

4. Break out of the Rut

Being outside of your natural environment welcomes a world of opportunity. As you listen to advances in your industry or hear of a colleague’s new endeavor, you never know how your own imagination might be fired, or what kind of ideas and inspiration may be the result of a session you attended. Don’t underestimate the power of time outside of the regular grind.

5. Get Social, Have Fun

Events and conferences can be a lot of fun—something that business people, especially entrepreneurs don’t take nearly enough time for. Business can be a solitary journey. Social time lifts the spirits, helps you to be more well-rounded, and can even help remind you why you do what you do.

6. Practice Makes Perfect

We all need more practice with networking and building professional relationships and with an attendee list of a few hundred or thousand people, you’ll have ample opportunity to brush up on your skills. How many people can you give your elevator pitch to? How many short meetings or informational interviews can you set up ?

7. You Never Know What You Don’t Know

Conferences are designed to bring key influencers, thinkers and success stories before the audience. No matter how expert in our respective fields we may be, there is always more to learn and you may find the very solution you are looking for when you least expect it.

Today’s business climate is highly technological and we do the bulk of our business electronically, virtually and digitally. But that’s what makes the face-to-face contact with colleagues, vendors and even competitors more essential than ever. You might think it’s more productive to stay in the office, but more “productive” doesn’t mean more profitable. Sign up for that next conference or event and see what happens.

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